In the early 1960’s George Wogan, Sr. conceived the idea of an abstract archives where title abstracts previously prepared for oil companies operating in Louisiana would be stored in a central location so as to be available to the oil industry for later projects. He noticed that oil companies often returned to areas previously explored by other oil companies and it only seemed logical to use title abstracts that were previously prepared as opposed to preparing a new abstract from scratch.
In the early 1960’s George Wogan, Sr. conceived the idea of an abstract archives where title abstracts previously prepared for oil companies operating in Louisiana would be stored in a central location so as to be available to the oil industry for later projects.
The purpose of the abstract archives was twofold: Oil companies could store the abstracts that were prepared for them with the archives free of charge and secondly, the abstracts would be available to 3™ parties to lease at a nominal rate compared to having a new one prepared at a more substantial cost. The purpose of leasing the abstracts as opposed to selling them was to preserve the volume of abstracts available to the oil industry.
The archives came into being in the 1960’s and was called the South Louisiana Abstract Archives owned and operated by Frawley, Wogan, Miller & Company.
Notwithstanding its name the archives also included abstracts covering title to lands in all parishes of Louisiana and not just limited to South Louisiana.
On January 1, 2021 George T. Wogan, Jr. sold all of his interest in the South Louisiana Archives to Ben Waring & Associates. The sale included those base and supplemental abstracts in good preserved condition and deemed to be viable to the oil industry in the future.